Some time ago Molly at First the Egg did a series of posts about the book Of Woman Born. This book is an excellent feminist classic that at the time during which I read it helped to clarify for me that it is the ?institutional? elements of motherhood that I sometimes find so oppressive and binding?it isn?t the children themselves, in the climate of motherhood in which I find myself.
Several years ago I also read Fruitful, by Anne Roiphe. The subtitle is Living the Contradictions : A Memoir of Modern Motherhood. Like Of Woman Born, it was written before the more recent wave of ?momoirs? (that is a kind of dismissive term, but it does help me classify the genre) and focuses heavily on feminism and its relationship to mothers/motherhood (so, different from momoirs in that the focus is less on personal experience of motherhood and more on motherhood and its social/cultural/political connections, I suppose). Fruitful?is less ?heavy? and depressing than Of Woman Born. The focus of the book is on the tension between feminism and motherhood (i.e. can you be a ?good? feminist and also be a ?good? mother) and she explores that issue throughout. Roiphe is a feminist and yet critiques some elements of the movement?s impact on mothers and motherhood. She is also very pro-father and I appreciated her exploration of men/fathers as people vs. ?evil patriarchy?down with them!?
This is a quote about the crux of the mother/feminist issue: ?Motherhood by definition requires tending of the other, a sacrifice of self-wishes for the needs of a helpless, hapless human being, and feminism by definition insists on attention being paid to the self. The basic contradiction is not simply the nasty work of a sexist society. It is the lay of the land, the mother of all paradoxes, the irony we cannot bend with mere wishing or might of will.?
This reminds me of my journal entry from my early months as a new mother??is it possible to balance motherhood with person-hood?? I?m still figuring it out! (some days it seems to work, some days it really doesn?t!)
During the time in which I read?Fruitful, I also read The Mommy Wars. I almost didn?t read it because I was worried that it would be excessively harsh or inflammatory and I don?t need to bring things like that into my life. However, it seemed truly supportive of women/mothers. It was a collection of essays by various authors (alternating between those who have chosen to be mostly at home and those who have chosen to be mostly pursuing careers) and it quickly became clear that the most real ?mommy war? that most of us experience is the one inside of our own heads. There seems to be no ideal/perfect solution. I also noticed that many of the women (including the editor of the collection) had cobbled together some sort of ?balance? between working-outside-of-the-home and working inside it?there were lots of part-timers, lots of WAHMs, lots of writer-in-the-spare-minutes, etc. Since I?ve done the same, I particularly identified with those tales of struggle to discover the right balance for your family.
The first quote I wanted to share from this book is with regard to being asked ?what do you do?? at a cocktail party: ?I find it odd that I?d generate far more interest if I said I raised dogs or horse or chinchillas, but saying, in effect, ?I raise human beings? is a huge yawn...It might, in fact, be boring if child care were simply a series of pink-collar tasks?bathe, dress, feed, repeat. But observing and participating in a little Homo Sapien?s development is fascinating to me. Furthermore, being a mother isn?t just a ?job? any more than being a wife or a daughter; it?s a relationship.? [emphasis mine and in total agreement with this]
Then in another writer?s essay (the above was from one of the SAHM, the below is from one of the WOHM) came this interesting observation:
?I remember reading once that all manner of selfishness is excused under the banner of focusing on one?s family, and it strikes me now as penetratingly true. How many of us don?t do for others because we?re supposedly saving it for our families? and how valuable is staying at home if you?re not teaching your children how much other people (and their feelings) matter??
In another book I have, The Paradox of Natural Mothering, she refers to the ?family first? mentality as a type of narcissism and I do see the point.
I also wanted to share some quotes from an essay by a woman who does not yet have children, but is planning to, with regard to talking to mothers who shut down her opinions/thoughts with the, ?what could you know? You don?t have children? brush-off. (Which, I personally, have definitely been guilty of thinking on more than one occasion! And, actually did so while reading this essay!):
I want to be able to say that all the judgment and aggression and competitiveness I witness among working and stay-at-home mothers surprises me and absolutely must change. But that wouldn?t be honest. I?ve been party to this one-upping and henpecking and know-it-all-ness my entire life. It?s as if becoming a mother puts us back into a sorority or junior high school, into some petri dish of experience where what other females think and say and feel and do counts more than anything.
The one thing my stay-at-home and working-mom friends share in the country of motherhood is a superiority gene, some may call it a gift of vision, that convinces them that women who don?t have children are, despite their educations and accomplishments, dumb as doorknobs. I?ve sat through many a heated conversation?during which I?ve been silly enough to offer an opinion only to be shut down more condescendingly and viciously by wise Goddess Mothers than I ever have been shut down by any man.
FWIW, I would not call this a ?superiority gene? or ?gift of vision,? but a ?voice of experience??I think most of us have been in the position of ourselves being the ?just doesn?t get it? woman without kids! And, after you have kids of your own, you suddenly realize why ?those mothers? were condescending to you.
On a somewhat related subject, I also enjoyed this post by Dreaming Aloud about the silencing of mama anger.
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