Thursday, June 28, 2012

3 Simple Tips to Control Your Diabetes By Diabetes Diet Exercise

Diabetes is one of the most common and widespread illnesses, and it affects everyone from children to adults. It seems that anyone could be at risk in getting this illness, most especially overweight individuals. But no worries for everyone who are suffering from this disease, there are ways and methods on how to control your blood sugar levels, which is extremely important to all diabetics in a natural way and that is by diabetes diet exercise.

All types of diabetes are manageable, although, there is no exact cure. The treatment available for this illness is by managing their blood glucose levels by means of creating a diabetes diet exercise.

Diet and exercise does not only help those who are diabetic but even those who are suffering from other illness such as heart disease. Diabetes diet exercise is a huge thing and should be taken seriously if a person is determined to have a healthy lifestyle.

As mentioned, the diabetes diet exercise method is a natural technique and really effective.

If you are able to religiously follow your diabetes diet exercise, your blood glucose will not only decrease or get into normal levels but your cholesterol and blood pressure levels as well.

Having healthy eating habits is very essential for every diabetic. It does not necessarily mean that you have to divest yourself of foods you love; it only means that you need to keep track of your fat, carbohydrate and protein intake every time you eat. It is still imperative for you to have a balanced meal and remember to never skip your meals because if you do, it will just increase your blood glucose more.

So what should you do on your diabetes diet exercise? Follow these 3 simple and useful tips!

? ?Diabetes diet exercise Tip #1: In planning your diet, it is more advisable to consult a nutritionist or dietician as they can guide you in planning your meals.

Bring along a family member as well so they can be aware of what you should eat and what you should limit. Your nutritionist or dietician will definitely teach you about the food pyramid and they will most likely include the foods that are on bottom of the pyramid which are fruits, vegetables and carbohydrates because the foods at the bottom are mostly fatty ones.

? ?Diabetes diet exercise Tip #2: What about exercise? Why is it so important? Well, it helps a diabetic to decrease their weight, maintain their blood glucose levels and helps their body to produce more good cholesterol and lower the bad ones. You see? If you pair this method with good diabetic plan, you will surely keep your blood glucose under your control.

You don?t need to exercise for two hours every day. According to experts, you only need to exercise at least five days, must be done less than half an hour and the intensity should be moderate only. Meaning your exercise could include walking, jogging, and swimming, dancing or even mowing the lawn. Move and stretch out your muscles!

? ?Diabetes diet exercise Tip #3: If you are not a big exercise fan and it is your first time to do full exercising, why don?t you start with a light one, for instance, walking or biking around your neighborhood. If you want, you can also enroll on a gym. A trainer could help you motivate, give you tips and push you a little to reach you goals. There are many gym trainers who are educated enough to train people despite having certain illnesses.

Pairing diabetes diet and exercise is a great way to maintain your blood glucose levels. All you need is to have confidence in yourself that you can achieve the goals you have set, be consistent on what you do. Family members can also help by giving them encouragements; this will help them gain more determination.

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